Weighbridge Software Solutions
EzyWeigh Version 6
EZYWeigh Version 6 provides new rich User Interfaces with latest technology & standards. Information easily available from anywhere, even on mobile or tablets.
Centralised information management on hosted cloud, no infrastructure and maintenance costs of setting up server locally. (On premises server installation option available).
EZYWEIGH WIN Client allows multiple client installations, view reports, connect and control traffic management. Work online/offline, automatic Data synchronisation. Web Central Application includes centralised storing of information in Cloud for all connected sites. Managers & staff can edit & report on data from any connected device. No infrastructure costs, only need a PC onsite with internet connectivity, easy deployment.

Features of our Weighbridge Software
- Fast event driven operation, the screen comes to life and prompts the operator when a vehicle arrives.
- Many STD reports, criteria settings available to drill down on data required, all report export, print as pdf, MS Excel, html, print preview standard
- Multi-site installation supported, data exchange back to central office is automatic
- Touch screen friendly WIN Client
- Web style navigation, quick access to regular function & database tables
- Payments accepted by Cash, EFTPOS, Credit Card, Cheque & Account
- Add transaction notes, order numbers, information about the load, this texted can be printed on weighbridge tickets
- Onscreen QWERTY virtual keyboard for touch screen operation
- Export or integrate with main stream accounting systems; MYOB Xero, Reckon
- Reprint dockets, edit dockets, email dockets to clients in real time
- Transact your way any selection sequence available through the Simple User Interface
- Charge Cartage fees for deliveries, store costs and charges
- Set customer & product groups link to trucks & containers
- Setup EPA reporting and export files for ease of preparing returns
Weigh-More Solutions provides you with exceptional and timely IT Support for your software solutions.
We offer our clients:
a) Software & Hardware Service Level Assurance, including VIP & Standard phone and online support desk premiums
b) Version upgrades as available
c) Onsite system maintenance & service visits, which may be used for additional training and system updates