Need field device data on premises or in the cloud?
The groov RIO family launched wi th GRV-R7-MM1001-10 as the first in a new class of intelligent, distributed I/O for the IIoT. The MM1 was followed by GRV-R7-MM2001-10, which includes Ignition Edge and offers more memory and storage.
Designing RIO to democratize I/O data, we built so much into one device—super-flexible I/O channels, multiple installation options, and embedded software for retrieving, processing, and transmitting data—that it takes some work to understand the full range of functions it provides.
Place groov RIO near the sensors and equipment that have the data you need, and wire them up.
Configure I/O channels from any computer or mobile device using the web-based configuration software, groove manage. groov RIO immediately begins making data available.
groov Manage is your central command to your groov RIO, helping you configure and troubleshoot I/O, security, and communications.